
Showing posts from June, 2020

Ep. 31: I Choose to Live for My People | Star Wars: The Clone Wars | Inferno Pod

Welcome back to Inferno Pod! Chan and Ivan are back with another episode of Clone Wars called TRESPASS. Join them as the discuss the episode, some not so fun news bits, and a few good funny bits. Stick around folks, it's a bit of a short one but don't worry its still a good sode....  - Follow Inferno Pod on Twitter -  - Ivan's Twitter -  - Chan's Twitter - For business inquiries email us at Audio and Sound Design by Hunter Reusche and Ivan Ramos

Ep. 30: It Takes Two to Fight | Star Wars: The Clone Wars | Inferno Pod

Welcome back to Inferno Pod! On this week's episode, Chan and Ivan are back with another arc from THE CLONE WARS. This time they're discussing what they're calling "THE JOGAN FRUIT ARC" and as you can see, they've both gone delusional. join them as they discuss the politics in star wars and why there is always a time to take up arms in the face of danger. stick around folks and enjoy the show....  - Follow Inferno Pod on Twitter -  - Ivan's Twitter -  - Chan's Twitter - For business inquiries email us at Audio and Sound Design by Hunter Reusche and Ivan Ramos

Ep. 29: TIE FIGHTER.... Not the Video Game | Star Wars: TIE Fighter | Inferno Pod

Welcome back to Inferno Pod! Ivan and Chan are back with a comic from a new era, this week the boys will be covering TIE FIGHTER. Now hold on to your pilots helmets and strap in to your seat because there's a lot of hyperspace jumps that the guys do in this weeks episode. Also a quick little note, this episode is much shorter than usual because this comic is not huge and Chan and Ivan say what they need to. Make sure to tune in next week when they cover ALPHABET SQUADRON, that is the episode where they'll give their final thoughts on this comic.  - Follow Inferno Pod on Twitter -  - Ivan's Twitter -  - Chan's Twitter - For business inquiries email us at Audio and Sound Design by Hunter Reusche and Ivan Ramos

Ep. 28: The Count is Concentrating | Star Wars: The Clone Wars | Inferno Pod

Welcome back to Inferno Pod! Chandler and Ivan are back in their old routine. This time they're back with another episode of the CLONE WARS, Dooku Captured and The Gungan General. Although, before they get to all that, the guys have a LOT of news to get through this week. SO MANY ANNOUNCEMENTS! SO MUCH EXCITEMENT! Stick around folks these boys get a bit more silly than usual....  - Follow Inferno Pod on Twitter -  - Ivan's Twitter -  - Chan's Twitter - For business inquiries email us at Audio and Sound Design by Hunter Reusche and Ivan Ramos

Ep. 27: Anakin Skywalker Really Liked Flying | Star Wars: Queen's Peril | Inferno Pod

Welcome back to Inferno Pod! As a follow up to the previous book club episode, the guys are now covering QUEEN'S PERIL. Join them as they discover the past of the original handmaidens, the sinister plans of a certain Sith Lord, the migratory habits of the delicate Tauntaun, and a sad story of a spilled drink. Strap in everybody, it's going to be an interesting one....  - Follow Inferno Pod on Twitter -  - Ivan's Twitter -  - Chan's Twitter - For business inquiries email us at Audio and Sound Design by Hunter Reusche and Ivan Ramos

Ep. 26: The Cracking of Clone Bones | Star Wars: The Clone Wars | Inferno Pod

Welcome back to Inferno Pod! The guys are back with the first season of the Clone Wars. This time Chandler and Ivan discuss THE CAPTURE OF NUTE GUNRAY. As always there is a few things that lead these two off topic, but don't worry, it all about Star Wars. Although, there is mention of the ex governor of California. Strap in and enjoy the show....  - Follow Inferno Pod on Twitter -  - Ivan's Twitter -  - Chan's Twitter - For business inquiries email us at Audio and Sound Design by Hunter Reusche and Ivan Ramos

Ep. 25: We are Brave Your Highness | Star Wars: Queen's Shadow | Inferno Pod

Welcome back to Inferno Pod! On this week's episode, Chan and Ivan are back with another book. This time they're here to discuss QUEEN'S SHADOW. Join the guys as they do another book club episode so that they can be caught up for the release of QUEEN'S PERIL. There's mention of unrealized emotion, hated characters, a single duck, and KERMIT THE BENDU? Stick around folks it a hefty episode....  - Follow Inferno Pod on Twitter -  - Ivan's Twitter -  - Chan's Twitter - For business inquiries email us at Audio and Sound Design by Hunter Reusche and Ivan Ramos

Ep. 24: There's Your Reward! | Star Wars : The Clone Wars | Inferno Pod

Welcome back to Inferno Pod! This week on the show Chan and Ivan are back at it again with the first season of Clone Wars. This time they're covering the Rescue of R2-D2! There's mention of goats, sickly goats, and the economics surrounding goats. Stick around folks this one gets interesting....  - Follow Inferno Pod on Twitter -  - Ivan's Twitter -  - Chan's Twitter - For business inquiries email us at Audio and Sound Design by Hunter Reusche and Ivan Ramos